About Rosen Method

Rosen Method is a simple and profound approach for a wide range of issues. Done on a massage table, Rosen Method uses informative, respectful touch and collaborative dialogue to help you feel where and how you hold tension and restrict breathing in your body and helps relax those non-conscious, habitual, and even life-long ways of managing stress.  The work supports ease, unburdening, a fuller sense of self, increased energy, vitality, and renewed zest for life. People often experience relief in the first session and notice significant change after a short course of sessions.

 You may benefit from Rosen Method if you: 

  • want to relax and feel more vitality and joy;

  • want to engage more fully in life and relationships;

  • want enhanced self-awareness and personal growth;

  • feel empty, flat, 'stuck’ or blocked;

  • suffer from chronic fatigue, frequent headaches, body aches, digestive issues, back pain, neck pain, hip pain, clench your jaw or grind your teeth, and have already consulted or are under the care of a physician or other healthcare provider for those chronic conditions;

  • struggle with long-term depression or anxiety and have already consulted or are working with a physician or psychotherapist for those conditions;

  • are managing chronic or progressive disease in partnership with a physician; or

  • have a history of trauma, assault or abuse or suffer from low self-worth or low self-esteem and want to regain your confidence.

How Rosen Method Works

Muscle tension (holding or gripping) is the body’s way of trying to insulate us from thoughts, feelings, and emotions around experiences that were too difficult or painful to endure or process at the time they occurred. So instead we held those feelings and emotions in, forced them down, or tried to push them away.  That was fine in the moment but, over time, the holding becomes automatic and unconscious—we forget we are even doing it or why—and chronic holding that once was a temporary way to protect ourselves can become a habitual and rigid barrier to present experience, full self-expression, and authentic connection, and a contributor to chronic stress, fatigue, pain, and dis-ease.

Rosen Method contacts and makes people aware of their holding, which in turn allows the holding to relax. Energy spent protecting can go back into living. Our expansive nature is restored.

Rosen Method is a fine complement to psychotherapy and medical or alternative health care and a wonderful stand-alone approach to personal and life enhancement for high-functioning people.  Rosen Method is unsuitable for persons suffering from acute physical injury or serious mental disturbances that affect one’s sense of reality or self like psychosis or schizophrenia, and is not a means of or substitute for medical or mental health diagnosis and treatment.  

Developed by Marion Rosen, a pioneer in the field of mind-body therapies for over 70 years, Rosen Method is offered around the world.